What if nature strikes back?
Between floating ice and mountain peaks, this piece with elemental force raises the question of what we hold on to while the world tilts. Surreal, visually powerful, imaginative and absurdly funny, one of the most pressing phenomena of our time is dealt with.
A production by Theater Titanick in cooperation with the dance theater company bodytalk.
© Martin Jehnichen, Meike Reiners
© 2024, Achim Kolba / Hitness Club. You may not use or copy this video without the express permission of Theater Titanick.
The production
KIPPPUNKT is an allegory of the climate crisis. Not didactic, but amazing. Not abstract, but so absurdly tangible that everyone can identify with it.
It is set in the middle of the city, between ice floes and mountain peaks. A party is making its way up the mountain to celebrate a wedding. Everything may be out of control, but humans, being creatures of habit, like to stick to rituals. But the wedding-mad people have not reckoned with the storm, the snow and all sorts of other quirks of the elements. There is much life in the old mountain. Perhaps it is time to rethink not only our relationship with nature, but with humanity in general.
In KIPPPUNKT, dance with depth meets grand visual theatre to address a question of elemental urgency: What if nature strikes back? Ever since Hitchcock made his “birds” fly to attack, people have had the unsettling feeling that they are at the mercy of the forces of their environment – and since then we have not been more careful with the planet…
The production finds its own language for a phenomenon that is much discussed but still not fully understood. With the astonishing theatre machinery of Titanick and the astute body art of bodytalk, the audience is drawn into a world where everything is on the brink.
↓ Facts and figures
Length: 60 Minutes
Venue: Market squares, urban locations, parks
Performance area: 14 x 18 metres
Showtime: partial or complete darkness
Audience capacity: approx. 2000 people
Titanick team: 20 people
Children under 12 years old may be accompanied by their parents.
The production is non-language based and suited to an international audience. The scenes and action carry the plot.
↓ Ensemble
Concept: Theater Titanick und bodytalk
Direction and artistic project management: Clair Howells, Uwe Köhler, Yoshiko Waki
Dance: Tirza Ben Zvi, Pawel Malicki, Bartosz Przybylski, Nona Siepmann
Acting: Ina Gercke, Georg Lennarz, Raschid Sidgi
Set design: Andre Böhme
Music and composition: Jakob Reinhardt
Costumes: Victoria Vau, Ella Kather
Props: Katha Schmelting, Lisa Verlsteffen
Technical direction: Lukas Ferber, Jan Rieve
Stage technicians and construction: Lukas Ferber, Jan Rieve, Lothar Drechsler, Hartmut Stephan, Stefan Sonntag, Jörg Rost
Special effects: Sascha Litwinenko, Matthias Stein
Sound: Ingo Koch
Light: Marlon Brodda, Spiros Paterakis
Production: Nele Dreyer, Veronika Kalievskaya, Janka Zimmermann
PR: Jana Seibert
Supported by:
Stadt Leipzig, Stadt Münster, Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe, Schmitz Cargobull