The sky is not the limit –
it’s the destination!

The dream of flying is celebrated in a parade through the city centre that electrifies the audience. Six daredevil pilots and their flying machines, accompanied by the ground crew (local amateur actors) and the French music group Fanfare Le S.N.O.B., take part in a flying competition. The pilots try to win the favour of the audience as they go along.


The production

There is a wild struggle for the best starting positions. The pilots get in each other’s way and interfere with each other. They steal their competitor’s equipment, and do everything to reach the take-off strip first. Before that, however, they must go through a number of trials and rituals, for instance, the blessing of their flying machines by the Black Angel and a pit stop that turns dangerous.

For the finale of the flying parade, the machines are guided into position one after the other by the traffic controllers, ready for the flying demonstration.

But the pilots don’t only use the ramp to present their machines, they take every opportunity to show themselves off. In the end, the take-off attempts end as miserably as they do spectacularly. Only one pilot is able to fulfill her long-standing dream. Helped by the Black Angel, she floats off into the night sky, accompanied by poetic fire effects.

© Leon Hirsch

© 2002 H. Teupel / Film & TV Produktion. You may not use or copy this video without the express permission of Theater Titanick.

The music

During the parade, the atmosphere is fuelled by the brass band Fanfare Le S.N.O.B. from Niort (F), which has become an integral part of the production after years of cooperation with Theater Titanick. Using saxophone, trumpet, clarinet, percussions and a banjo, Fanfare Le S.N.O.B. comments the antics of the pilots spot on. The dynamic and energetic music offers a wide spectrum from melodic phases to seemingly chaotic collages of sound.

Local amateur actors

In the last years, involving local creative dramatists and amateurs has become an important element of Titanick productions.

Theater Titanick offers interested people the opportunity to gain theatrical experience under professional working conditions and in unusual theatrical events. It is the local theatre groups with their personal knowledge of the performance location that give a unique quality and local flavour to the large-scale Titanick events.

+ Facts and figures

Duration: approx 80 min, according to parade length
Begining of show: at dusk or complete darkness
Capacity: 500 to 5.000 spectators
Performance area for opening scene: 25 x 10 m (plus audience)
Parade length: 600 to 1.000 m
Performance area for finale: 60 x 40 m (including audience)
Interventions: If possible, elevated spaces, ex balconies, steps, roof tops along the parade route
Team Titanick/Le SNOB: 36 people
Workshop participants: approx 15 people from 18 years of age

The production is flexible and adaptable to the location. Please contact us to talk about the possible organisation of Firebirds according to your local conditions. We send the technical rider on request.

+ Ensemble

Concept: Theater Titanick
Directed by: Uwe Köhler
Workshop: Clair Howells
Actors: Christian Backhauß, Kascha Borgmann, Michael Hain, Thomas Kuhnert, Georg Lennarz, Rahel Valdivieso
Music: Gundolf Nandico, Le SNOB & Cies. (F)
Technical director: Robert Voigt, Jörg Rost, Hubert Hogrebe
Stage design/technicians: André Böhme, Markus Geng, Christian Hofmann, Stefanie Holzscheiter, Stephan Keusch, Elias Macke, Cord Meyer, Steffen Michel, David Pohle, Michael Quadflieg, Jan Rieve, Reinhard Schiller, Stefan Sonntag
Costumes: Dunja Marija Kopi, Tanja Schulte, René Stieler, Eve Weight
Lighting: Johannes Sundrup, Andreas Liedl
Sound: Louis Altrogge †, Ingo Koch
Pyrotechnical and special effects: Maik Winkelmann, Robert Schiller, Elisabeth Schiller-Witzmann, Friederike Keil, Matthias Stein, Ricardo Borau
Tour management: Sarah-Jane Reed

© 2025 Theater Titanick
